The Severn 7000 Series was initially developed specifically for installations in cryogenic and warm service Ultra High Purity Systems for the semi conduction industry. As such, the 7000 Series now benefits from extensive experience in providing cost effective and easily maintained valves in an industry that makes very stringent design demands upon its suppliers.
Compact installation has always been a major consideration in Severn designs and therefore Z angle styles are favoured over large Y pattern bodies. Construction materials of the body are generally forged 316L stainless steel to suit connecting pipework, while the fully machined crevice free flow path minimises particle pick up and ensures the degree of cleanliness necessary for this sector of the Industrial Gas market.
Design Features:
- Smooth profile crevice free body construction
- High-capacity body
- Electronic Grade surface finish options
- Large choice of trim sizes
- Robust parts for trouble free service and low cost of ownership
- Inherently characterised trims available in linear, equal percentage and semi throttle
- Bellows designed specifically for modulating service
- Soft seat insert option for ANSI Class VI
- Various options of weld end connections
- Perpendicular actuator orientation
- Top entry servicing with direct access to plug assembly
- Reliable leakage performance, bubble tight shut off available
- X-ray options on welds
- Interchangeability between other Severn products
To find out more about the 7000 Series Control Valve, download the brochure via the downloads box on the right hand side or view the interactive version below.
If you have a Control Valve based enquiry, you can contact the Severn team by completing the enquiry form located here.