Almost 35 years of reliable field-proven success: The first small bore subsea valve to go subsea.
The unique design of the Through Conduit Split Gate valve, with full metal to metal sealing throughout the flow bore giving a true metal to metal seal between the seat and body, delivers a reliable performance that can tolerate contaminated and dirt laden fluids which makes other valve designs vulnerable, significantly reducing the risk of failure.
With our patented static leaf spring design the split gates are pre-loaded against the seat face giving a perfect seal. By pre-loading the gates at the centre line of the seat ensures that the seat/gate contact is always maintained, this achieves a low pressure gas tight seal without the aid of lubricant or sealant injection.
The flexibility of this design for the Through Conduit Split Gate valve allows Bentley to deliver a bespoke solution that satisfies the customers’ needs and has the ability to optimise performance in any given application.
½” and 1” nominal bore size
Compact design
Metal to metal seal seat to body
Metal to metal seal gate to seat
FF and HH trims
Mounted or remote
Manual or hydraulically actuated
Integral metal to metal check valve available
Qualified to a pressure rating of up to 15,000psi
3,048m (10,000ft) water depth
Qualified in accordance with API 6A 20th edition and API 17D 2nd edition
Temperature range: -29°C to 150°C

LB Bentley design and manufacture bespoke small bore subsea valves for chemical injection applications on XMT’s and manifolds in subsea systems.
With 35 years of field proven success our valves are known for their reliability and compact design, LB Bentley’s innovative approach enables us to qualify our valve to suit customers’ specification requirements and fully satisfy API 6A and 17D standards as a minimum.
LB Bentley pioneered metal-to-metal sealing technology with our Through Conduit Gate Valves, Rotary Gate Valves and Check Valves, enabling us to reduce the risk of contamination and failure and deliver truly flexible, robust and reliable products.