Lifecycle Enhancement

Performance & Reliability

Control & Choke Valves – especially severe service application valves (including process choke valves) are an active part of the process and impact directly on the business performance of the asset, including the reliability of critical rotating equipment. While the number of valves is smaller, the impact of failure is much more severe. The management of the control and choke valve population demands strong technical understanding of both the process and the technology – something that Severn’s world-leadership in severe service design and manufacture clearly demonstrates.

Management of control & choke valves ensure reliability and performance optimisation. Severn’s experience and knowledge base surrounding valve failure, valve performance and valve compliance assurance is over 60 years in the making and involves over 40 years of highly specific knowledge of failure modes, solution creation and performance enhancement.

The Severn capability is offered through the following.

  • Fully functional, OEM level expertise Offered from TPAS UK and wholly owned inspection, repair and testing workshop and manufacturing centres.
  • A global field service capability that puts experts in the field to evaluate performance and condition and offer a first point solution.
  • A valve information knowledgebase, that allows customers to access their own valve condition information and allows Severn engineers to co-related failure information and review the performance of solutions for continuous development.
  • Severn can re-engineer, retrofit and upgrade all OEM valves with technical solutions that maximise performance with minimum downtime

Pushing the frontiers of valve engineering

Your end-to-end partner - from design and manufacture through to maintenance, management and re-engineering to extend valve life.

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